How to build a house » Waterproofing

The main types of foundation waterproofing and its performing tips

Discussing the common problems of the flows of water, the main types of foundation waterproofing and sealing with your own hands.

Exterior foundation waterproofingIf you face the problem of the flow of water in your house you must solve the foundation waterproofing problem as soon as possible. In 80% of cases the flow of water in the basement and the ground floor is caused by disturbances in waterproofing of foundation. Penetrating through the design and seams, groundwater reduces the carrying capacity of concrete and bricks mostly due to leaching of free lime. The rate of destruction of concrete and concrete products caused by aggressive ground water and waste water, according to various researchers, are from 1 to 1,5 inches per year. To prolong the life of the house and its foundation you need to make a whole range of outside waterproofing works.

The sealed layer, which should prevent the contact of structure of the building foundation with the ground, should be performed without breaks. These breaks are not only the starting point for the moisture of the whole building, but also the so-called “bridges of cold”. You should also examine the high risk areas carefully: corners, seals, joints. In places of pairing of dissimilar surfaces risk of cracking always increase. The joints and seams need multilayer flexible protection.

If the humidity in the rooms of your house already lead to the mould on the inner surfaces of the walls, it is necessary to take urgent measures to eliminate it: fungal attacked surface should be thoroughly treated with an appropriate biocide agent.

The whole range of foundation waterproofing works consists of:

  1. Vertical hydro insulation.
  2. Hydro laying.
  3. Waterproofing.

The model of the waterproofing systemVertical hydro insulation

Vertical hydro insulation of basements and ground floors of buildings is traditionally performed with molten bitumen. Anyone who has worked with this material before knows its disadvantages during work:

  • you need a special place where you are able to melt the bitumen;
  • the limited time period during which the material can be manipulated before it gets hard;
  • its durability is not more than 5 years.

To avoid all these inconveniences use bentonite mastic and sealing tape.


Clean the pipe surface from grease and dirt using a cloth dampened with white spirit. Brush or trowel the applied mastic.

Hydro laying

Foundation waterproofingThe most serious sources of foundations moisture are ground water and meltwater. Water accumulates under the foundation and, finding weaknesses in the design of the basement, leaks inside. Buildings constructed in areas with high levels of standing groundwater and underground structures are under the highest risk.

In the construction and repair of buildings and structures the most important element of the waterproofing should be materials sealing expansion and construction joints (waterproof layers). The best material for it is sealant in the form of a cord.


Lay a cord into the expansion joint (can be placed either on a dry, or on a wet surfaces). Concrete the seam.

Recommend: How to repair block foundation reliably and easy?


The structure places of the building connecting the foundation and the walls are among the places exposed to biodestruction most. These places are usually the way for penetration (infiltration) groundwater and precipitation of moisture into the interior parts of walls of the building. Usually the lower crowns of log cabins of wooden houses are under the highest risk.

Not by chance it has become a tradition since ancient times to isolate these crowns from contact with the soil and the foundation. At early times people used bark, it was later replaced by the roofing felt, but it turned out that the roofing felt is even less effective waterproofing than its predecessor. As a result of moisture and temperature changes, in the place where the log and the foundation connect the log starts to rot. Gradually biodegradation passes on overlying crowns framework. Preventing biodegradation of wood and stone walls in the place of their contact with the foundation is possible by means of sealing materials which form a reliable and durable barrier to moisture. The best way of performing the foundation waterproofing is by using foundation waterproofing membrane (waterproofing tape).

Prepare the Foundation for waterproofingFoundation hydro insulation technology:

  • Clean and dry the surface of the foundation.
  • Gradually removing the sticky side of the tape with a protective (anti-adhesive) coating, press the tape’s adhesive layer to the surface of the foundation.
  • If necessary the outer surface of the tape can be painted or plaster.

Rotten protection technology:

  • Clean and dry the surface of the foundation.
  • Remove the tape protective coating, press the tape’s adhesive layer to the surface of the foundation.
  • Paint the outer surface of the belt.
  • Before laying the first wreath log its surface should be thoroughly cleaned.

We hope this article helped you to answer all the questions on the exterior foundation waterproofing that you had. 

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