How to build a house » Doors

The way of hanging an interior door with your own hands

The step-by-step instruction of the whole process of hanging an interior door with your own hands properly.

If you are wondering how to hang an interior door properly you should first realize that it is a rather complicated process, as the final result depends on the correct and exact execution of the whole chain of steps that make it work. If you decided to hang an interior door with your own hands, you need to be patient and very careful carrying out all the steps below.

Requirements for space

If you are in the middle of the general repairing process in your house, before you start hanging your new interior door all the cleaning work must be already completed. The walls must be aligned and plastered. All wet work should be completed too, and the elements of the room should be absolutely dried to avoid any dampness. If you are replacing an existing door you can immediately get to work, as these conditions do not affect the quality of work

Choosing materials

How to hang a new interior doorModern shops sell a great variety of different doors (single doors and double doors). They look almost perfect. Dealing with the geometrical dimensions the situation could be worse. It is possible to buy a door with its sides differing from each other by a few millimeters. When you hang the door these extra millimeters can become cruel and create considerable difficulties. So you should carefully measure the chosen door when you are still in the shop. Don’t forget that the thickness of the door timber should match the thickness of the door leaf. Otherwise installation is not possible.

Tools for the work

The best way to ensure a high quality result is the presence of professional tools. This is an expensive option, but if you work with simple tools, especially having not so much experience, you can not sustain the necessary accuracy. Now on the market there are many services of renting out any kinds of equipment and tools.

For the installation of interior door you will need hand tools, electric tools, fittings and some other different tools.

Hand tools:

  • set chisels,
  • a hammer,
  • screwdriver set,
  • a roulette,
  • miter box,
  • a level,
  • a hacksaw.

Electric tools:

  • Collect a frame for interior doorscircular saw,
  • screwdriver,
  • miter saw,
  • perforator,
  • electric cutter.


  • door hinges,
  • latches.

Also you will need:

  • small bars and wedges of various sizes,
  • screws,
  • finishing nails
  • foam,
  • a drawing pencil.

Installation of racks

  1. How to hang an interior doorUsing a miter saw you should saw off the upper part at an angle of 45°. If you don’t have one, you can use the miter box and handsaw with fine teeth.
  2. Measure out the required length of the rack on its inner side. This length comprises an upper gap, the height of the web and lower gap.
  3. Install a second rack the same way.
  4. Prepare the lintel. Also on the inside measure off the desired length – from the edge of the gap where the lock is set, the width of the web clearance from the edge where the loop.
  5. Using the miter box or miter saw you should then saw off both ends at an angle of 45°.=

Installation of door hinges

  1. Installation of door hingesOn the inside of the rack measure out about 8 inches from the top edge.
  2. Apply the loop and draw out its outline with a drawing pencil.
  3. Fully folded hinge leaves a gap from the web to stand.
  4. Use the router to make the area under the loop you can make it rather quickly and accurately. You can also use chisels.
  5. The same way you should carry out a seat for the lower hinge. The only difference is a distance (9 inches) from the bottom edge.
  6. Supports mounted with hinges are putting it to the canvas and mark up on it under the seat hinges. Then do the seats in the same manner as described above for the front.

Installation of the door frame

  1. Racks are fastened to the lintel with the screws in a strictly perpendicular way. The door box must be first drilled for holes of smaller diameter, then to be screwed with screws. Otherwise the box can crack.
  2. U-shaped box should be then set in the doorway and fixed with wedges and spacers.
  3. Use a level to align the box vertically and horizontally, then finally fasten the box with screws.
  4. To put the door just hang it on its loops. Check how your door opens and closes very carefully. If there are any defects, eliminate them immediately.
  5. When the door is closed you should then insert suitable spacers between the blade and rack for foam not to be squeezed. Gently foam the gap between the frame and the wall. After complete curing of the foam you can remove foam spacers.

Installation of trims

Install interior doors yourselfAfter you installed the door box in the doorway, installing trims will not make any difficulties. Using a miter saw you should saw it at an angle of 45° and fix them. Attaching trims can be done with proper glue and then with finishing nails or screws. Hats of nails should be hidden, also you should put decorative plastic covers to the screws.

Now the process of installing the door with your own hands is finished! We hope this article helped you to answer the question how to hang interior doors.

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