For a covering of a roof of the house various types of a roof are used: soft and rigid, rolled and piece, flat and profile. But we shall talk about a specific type: a metal roof.
If has already come to update time a roof of the house it is necessary to think and about metal roofing which has the pros and cons. “Metal” is the general term. For manufacturing a roof stainless steel, copper, aluminium, zinc is used. Copper, initially, happens very bright, but under influence of an environment quickly gets a greenish shade. It is one of the most ancient materials used for manufacturing of a roof, however today, because of the price, this material not so is popular. Stainless steel differs not only stability to weather conditions, but also high by.
Advantages of a metal roofing
The metal roofing is more dear than others, but it is durable enough and does not require special leaving. It is last roofing which should be bought to the owner for the house more often. The roofing from the qualitative zinced steel does not need to be changed about 50 years. Such type of warming ecologically favorable, does not harm to an environment, health of people and animals.
The metal roofing is more attractive, than seems at first sight. You will be surprised also with a huge choice of colors and invoices. Besides durability, the metal roofing possesses also other positive properties, for example, in comparison with other materials, the majority of metal coverings differ ease. Changing a roof of the old house, the metal roof can be established directly on old beams, saving thus time and money.
Fire resistance is one more advantage of a metal roofing. It can help at negotiations with insurance company in occasion of the possible sum of insurance. In winter on metal roofing occurs minimal less a congestion of a snow and an ice, as its surface more slippery, than at other coverings. Besides the metal roofing almost has no horizontal beams, therefore nothing prevents falling of a snow. Owing to absence of horizontal beams the given material ideally approaches for roofs with a small bias.
Lacks of a metal roofing
Any material has pros and cons, and metal roofing is not exception. It is possible to carry already mentioned slippery surface to lacks. If the roof of the house very abrupt, and is a lot of snow, falling pieces can touch being an the bottom of people. Therefore owners of such houses establish pegs on a roof. Sliding, the snow shares on finer slices and is not such dangerous.
One more lack of such roof is a noise. Therefore it is necessary to establish sound insulation. And nevertheless metal roofing not such noisy as can seem. Them usually stack on a firm basis and isolating material. It is necessary as well warmly isolation, though metal reflects about 70 percent of a solar power, and it significantly reduces quantity of saved up heat. From this follows, that warmly gets in a building in a minimum quantity.
Specific character of installation of various types of a metal roofing
Metal roofing estimate on its thickness: the above parameter, the is more thin metal. Thickness of the majority of metal coverings is estimated from 26 up to 29. It cover either greater sheets, or finer sheet materials. At installation of each specific roof the size of a leaf steals up individually. For installation of a metal roof equal metal sheets, metal tile, profiled sheets are used. Equal sheets can be made of steel, zinc, copper, aluminium, but the zinced sheets more often are used.
At the analysis of various materials of a metal roofing, from them pros and cons, it is possible to allocate aluminium safely. Very often apartment houses become covered by aluminium. Its small weight, stability to corrosion and simplicity of installation are principal causes of popularity of this roof.
Profiled sheets are made of stainless steel or the zinced tin. The last during manufacturing can be a covering a polymeric film or a blanket of decorative paints.
Metal tile combines the best properties not only clay, but also metal. Metal tile it is easily shaped, it is stable to frosts and mechanical influences, it ecologically favorable and rather inexpensive. Such covering almost in 10 times is easier, than a traditional covering from a clay tile.
When the choice of a roofing material is made, the buyer tries to find the cheapest offer in the market. It is natural, that it the price for a roofing material and work on stacking this material interests. However, the whole complex of elements and additional works drops out of its field of vision. Due to these “trifles” cost of a roofing and works on its stacking can grow in 2 times and even more. In case of with a roofing, it is such elements as water-drain system, skates, eaves, a waterproofing and more. From additional works it is possible to name installation of a waterproofing and spillway. There are also transport expenses and account materials (fixture, the tool, etc.), rendering weak, but appreciable influence on the prices.
Related Information:
Roofing material: the types and features of installation.
I like that you mentioned that color options are very expansive when it comes to sheet metal roofing. I’ve always wanted to stray away from neutral shades when planning out the color scheme of my home. Getting a magenta roof would surely make my house stand out without making it a bit too flashy for my neighborhood.
I’m really happy you noted how metal roofing is perfect if you want fire resistance. Getting my house burned down has always been my number one fear as a homeowner, so I’ll do anything to prevent that. As soon as we get some free time, I’ll call over a metal roofing expert and ask them for some renovations.