How to build a house » Insulation

How to install insulation in your garage properly

How to perform garage insulation with your own hands properly.

Garage insulationHaving car is not everything as you may now. The main task of every car owner is to prolong the life of his car and limit the negative impact of natural, chemical and mechanical components on it. To achieve the desired result it is necessary not only to make timely repairs of your car and take good care of it, but also to pay particular attention to garage insulation. It withstands the adverse effects of rain and moisture, keeps the optimum temperature and humidity in your garage. The garage is your car’s home, and every home should be good.

Important! Some may think that it’s not necessary to insulate the garage, but this is a wrong opinion. If you use the heaters only, in winter the car will be permanently covered with “sweat” when the garage gets colder air from the outside. Condensation can cause corrosion of the vehicle. Ventilation is also very important. Many motorists “insulate” their garages by sealing air vents. This is absolutely wrong and dangerous! Thanks to the ventilation the necessary climate is kept in the garage; it promotes allotment of unburned gases, cleans the air and prevents the formation of moisture.

Garage insulation:

  • implies a special assembly of materials with special technical features that protect the garage from the condensation of water, vapor and moisture;
  • does not require substantial investment;
  • is characterized by ease of installation, usability, durability and efficiency;
  • enables the desired operating mode of the structure;
  • prolongs the life of insulation materials;
  • ensure the most favorable conditions and a healthy environment.

Types of insulation

  • Roofing films

Roofing films are perfect for garage ceiling insulation. They are designed to protect the roof space of dust, dirt, moisture occurring after rains or other precipitation. It also protects the insulation from moisture penetration from the outside thanks to its micro perforation providing ventilation of the interior vapors (micro condensing system). Roofing films are anti-condensate. They are made from viscose, so that the condensate does not run on heaters and is permanently absorbed.

  • Super diffuse membranes

Garage ceiling insulationSuper diffuse membrane is covering resistant to adverse weather effects having quite good technical indicators. It is traditionally used to protect structures from the effects of dust, moisture, wind, fungus, mold and other microorganisms. High water vapor permeability of super diffuse membranes ensures rapid weathering of vapor and condensate from the interior space. These membranes have properties that prevent the accumulation of unwanted moisture in the places where you even don’t know it is. It should be noted that the installation of super diffuse membranes can be carried out as in conditions of low temperatures of air and moisture in the ground. So, these membranes perfectly solves the two main problems: don’t let the outside moisture get in and prevents the accumulation of vapor inside the garage.

  • Steam insulation films

Steam insulation film is an insulation material that prevents the penetration of water and vapor into the insulation layer, thereby reducing moisture condensation in the insulating layer which greatly prolongs the service life of your car.

  • Connection tapes

Connection tapes will provide vapor permeability for the joints for years.

What insulation to use in garage?

Talking about the best and the most effective garage insulation method, it should be noticed, that it totally depends on the material and its technical features. Not to be mistaken with the choice, it’s important to pay attention to the following indicators:

  • chemical composition: it must not contain substances and components hazardous to human health and the environment;
  • the degree of adhesion to the surfaces of the building: the higher its level, the better;
  • prefer materials which do not require the creation of scaffolds while the process of performing of insulation;
  • How to insulate a garage outsideresistance to weather, mechanical, thermal and chemical effects: the best coatings can withstand moisture, dirt and other negative factors;
  • degree of elasticity in different temperature ranges;
  • life cycle: choose coatings that can last for 25-30 years with no special care and maintenance;
  • degree of vapor permeability: the higher its level, the better the material will be to coping with its main objectives;
  • compliance with established building codes;
  • high quality.

Basic requirements for garage ceiling insulation

  • Elasticity. If the insulation layer doesn’t have the necessary degree of flexibility, then the elastic deformation may cause it to fracture.
  • Stability to moisture. Roofing insulation materials should be good at holding vapor and water immediately.
  • Thermal insulation. This feature allows the insulation layer to maintain a certain temperature in the garage, it also helps to preserve heat.
  • Strength. The material must withstand external loads of different character and resist deformation processes.

Proper installation tips

Installation of garage insulation is not difficult, but time-consuming process. It needs some additional activities.

“Warm” plastering

The inner side of walls of the garage requires special training – the so-called “warm” plastering. It is covering of the surface of the inner walls of the garage with the special heat-insulating paint. The ability to shift the dew point of the outside of the garage walls protects them from the negative effects of frost and excessive moisture. Experts recommend to make a forced ventilation unit designed for high intensity air.

We Recommend: How to paint a garage door.

Application of liquid insulation

How to reduce heat loss in the garageUsing liquid insulation in the form of paint or polyurethane foam is among the most popular choices. Liquid foam, which is a foam-like substance manufactured directly at the construction site by means of the so-called foam generator.

As you see, protection of the garage from the damaging effects of moisture and other external influences is a process carried out quite easily and simply. The use of modern polymeric insulation materials, which replaced the asphalt roll analogs, provides a robust and water-resistant surface of the garage roof and walls. It will last for many years, to the delight of the owners.

We hope this article helped you to find the answer to the question how to install insulation in garage properly.

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